The Blurb!

copyright Google Images The blurb, the little synapsis that hooks a reader and gets them interested in reading your book. There should be a horror film called "The Blurb" where the writer screams maniacally at a computer screen with a blinking cursor, while ripping their hair out in chunks. I am really not trying to be over dramatic but the blurb was harder to write than most of the book! It is really difficult for a verbose gal, like myself, to be succinct about a few hundred pages of blood, sweat and tears. I am guessing here but I imagine it took me as long to write the blurb as it did the last 2 chapters I wrote. *Raises fist in triumph* It is done!! I have completed a draft that I think will suffice. Here is where I need you. Take a moment, read it and leave me a comment letting me know what you thought. Did it hook you? Did it bomb? Here is your chance to give me a piece of your mind! Elizabeth Bradshaw has spent her life picking up the the pieces of her d...